Sometimes you hear the strangest things from fellow Christians....
I recently overheard two people, talking about a very sick family member. The one who's family member was dying, was clearly distraught. The other, a very well-respected leader, said "I'll pray; it won't help...."
Now here's the toughest thing.... He was exactly correct; his prayer was not going to help.
..... stunned silence (see graphic) .......
Let me explain. One of our biggest challenges as Christians is BELIEF. We may go to church, sing beautiful songs, perhaps recite a prayer or two (or three), and may even pray to a god (little 'g') who lives "out there". And as we examine our lives and the lives of those around us, guess what? Nothing happens. That's because performing all those 'religious' activities doesn't make us believers. And without belief, there is NO WAY God is going to work wonders in our lives. So when this person said "I'll pray; it won't help", he was exactly correct. HIS prayer was doomed from the start, because he didn't believe it was going to help!
Matthew 13:54-58 tells us of a time when Jesus the very Son of the almighty God, was stopped in His attempts to perform miracles, by the unbelief (NIV says "lack of faith") of the people he attempted to heal. Through their unbelief (lack of faith), they had turned aside the very power of God. The same is true today. God won't force us to believe in Him. But without belief, we've removed the opportunity to allow God to work in our lives (or as in the convesation I overheard, the lives of our friends and relatives). Without our belief, our prayers WON'T work, people around us WON'T be miraculously healed, and God's miraculous power will have been stopped cold.
But it doesn't have to be that way, thank God.
The Bible says. "...The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results." (James 5:16)
That's what the Bible says. How about an example closer to home, something you probably said/sang yourself. Do you remember this?
"How precious did that grace appear, the hour I first believed" ~Amazing Grace
Those aren't just pretty words. Ephesians 1:12-14 reminds us that at the moment we truly believe, we are sealed with the Holy Spirit (God's 'amazing grace'), as a promise, a guarantee, that He will give us the inheritance of eternal life with Him.
'You mean it's not about what church I sit in, or how big a cross I wear, or how many times I attend services in a week, or how much I gave at church, or how many fish bumper stickers I put on my car?' (that last one is supposed to be a humorous example, but I think you get the point)
The answer is no. The Bible tells us to believe. Simply believe. And at the point of belief, the very power of God, working through the Holy Spirit that takes up residence in us, WILL be with us, WILL enable us to have a powerful and effective prayer ministry, and WILL answer our prayers, including prayers to HEAL THOSE AROUND US.
Provided THEY believe too. (Remember, Jesus didn't heal those who didn't believe).
"Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" from Romans 10:17
It's not about pretty buildings. It's not about denominational groupings. It's not about where you were born, where you were baptized, or where you sit on Sunday (or Saturday, for you Adventists). It's not about the size of the church body. It's not about how many or how often you attend church. The Bible says, it's about hearing the word of God, and allowing that word to work a work of faith in you.
I leave you with this morsel to consider. In my 35 years living as someone who THOUGHT I was a Christian believer, I now see how difficult it was to hear the word of God through my personal reading of the scriptures alone. It was also difficult to hear the word of God when it was buried in man-made liturgies, incense, robes, candles (for the denominationalists out there), or even hopping, screeching, hankie-waving preachers (for the fundamentalists). God's word, the Holy Scriptures, brought to our ears through a preacher sent by God, work the power of belief and faith in each of us.
Lord, as it says in your word, "I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!". Give me that essential foundation of faith, and help my faith to increase, so that I become a more effective tool to bring your word and your amazing, healing grace to those around me. Help me, Lord, to walk truly live my belief in you, so that I may positively affect those around me, through your word and your power. Let your word convict me all the more, Lord. I'm putty in your hands.
I Believe. Now help me to believe all the more. Use Me, Lord!
God Bless each and every one of you!
Copyright 2009, by Scotty Ward