"The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the LORD upholdeth him with his hand." ~Psalm 37:23-24
All too often, we seem to have the idea that God wants us to "learn to ride that bike", so we can launch out into new, exciting worlds. But think about it: Kaylin's situation was safest, and she was most able to hear my words of encouragement and instruction during the time she felt the most insecure in her own abilities, while I was holding her bike seat. Her reliance was wholly on me, and as long as I held her seat, she was totally safe.
This scripture tells me I should spend less time "trying to learn to ride the bike", and more time relying on God to guide and keep me safe. Because as long as you and I remain fully reliant on the Lord, the Bible tells us He will continue to uphold us with His hand.
Lord, this day I promise to focus LESS on the road ahead and learning how to be self-reliant. This day I'll try to lean MORE on you, to listen MORE for your words of instruction and encouragement. You've told me I'm safe when my steps are being ordered by you.
I'll pedal as quickly or as slowly in my life as you want, Lord. Just DON'T LET GO.
God Bless You!
© 2010 Scotty Ward
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