I had a curious conversation about money with a fellow Christian that I wanted to share.
This young man approached me at work a few years ago. We're both professed believers in Jesus Christ as our Lord, but this was the first time he had approached me to ask my counsel on spiritual matters.
He asked for my advice on where he should give. He said he already paid his tithe to his local church, and wanted to sow seed into another Christian ministry. Praise God for a willing giver!
Then he told me about how he had heard that some ministries overseas were bringing dozens, and hundreds of non-believers to Christ. He had in the past given to an evangelistic ministry here in the U.S., but stopped when some un-Christian practices were reportedly discovered. He asked me, wouldn't it be better to sow seed into a "productive" ministry (in this case one in a faraway country), where his money would get the best "return on his investment"? These were his words, not mine.
I said I didn't have a specific ministry to recommend. I told him that according to the Bible, we're merely asked to give (see below). After we've given, I told him, we've done our part, and should trust God for what happens with what we've given.
Luke 6:38 (CEV) - If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.
I think this young man was expecting my response to be more earth-shattering or profound or something. My quoting scriptures seemed too simple for his liking. As he left, he said he was going to ask another Christian friend for recommendations of a ministry where he'd get a "good return".
Well, first off, I praise God for ALL givers. According to Barna Research, total giving nationwide is up this year, but tithing to the local church seems to be at an all-time low. But the question remains: is one ministry "better" or "worse" simply by some observed positive effect on those in attendance?
Sorry. I'm not gonna get all deep or profound here either. I trust God and I trust God's Word. Jesus said to give. He never mentioned "return on your investment". So I'm going to just GIVE. I start with my tithes, then move to my offerings, giving in support of our Missions Department, Pastors Aide, and as many other ministries as I'm able. Once I've given, I leave all the rest to the maker of heaven and earth. He's big enough to handle it.
Am I getting a "good return"? WITHOUT A DOUBT. God blesses me and my family every single day, in ways I couldn't have imagined a few years ago. My blessings are temporal (finances, etc.), as well as spiritual. Can I add up my blessings on a calculator? Nope. But let me tell you, I just LOVE God's math!
So just give. Yes, it's that simple. Let God have your gifts, and prepare to receive your blessing!
© 2010 Scotty Ward
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