Friday, June 27, 2008

Thanks at All Times? Are you Kidding?

Ephesians 5:20 (AMP)
- At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.


Now wait just a doggone minute.
According to this, I'm to give thanks to God for EVERYTHING.
But I'm sure God didn't know how tough things could be. He certainly didn't have all my pains in mind when he directed his apostle to write that, did he? Give thanks? How about just getting by!

I mean, I'm supposed to give thanks for those overdue bills? Yep.

Thanks for the unsaved members of my family, who will end up spending eternity in hell unless the Lord intervene? You bet.

Thanks for those negative behavior patterns I fall into, day after excruciating day? Absolutely.

Yeah, but what about the manager that openly seeks to have me replaced? Without a doubt.

All the broken things around the house I can't afford to replace? Uh huh.

The way my wife barely drags herself home each night, and is so tired she falls asleep in her dinner? Yes.

I don't understand, Lord. Give thanks for the pain? For the failures? For the disappointments? For the times I know I'm headed AWAY from you, rather than TOWARD you?


But that just doesn't make sense!

Exactly. Give thanks.

But what about...

Give thanks.

Lord, are you SURE this is what you want me to do? Shouldn't I be 'earnestly contending' or something?

You'll discover you can contend much better, AFTER you give me your thanks.


Give me your thanks.

On my good days AND my bad?

Yup. You're catching it now, my son.

When I'm happy AND when I'm sad?

Yes, yes, yes.

Even the in-between times, when nothing catastrophic is happening?

ESPECIALLY the in-between times. You already thank me for the good times, the blessings, and the times you see me. But if you give thanks at other times as well, your thanks is part of your praise, and you KNOW I'll be there when you praise.

Wait. Hold on. You mean to tell me that THANKS is PRAISE?

Yes, just as surely as I AM.

Wow. Gotta be honest with you, Lord. I hadn't thought of it that way. My focus has always been on the problems, the issues, the obstacles standing between me and you.

Yes, I know. But when you thank me, the divisions between us disappear. The situation may still be visible, but your praise prepares my throne right where you are. Remember? You preached that to my saints.

Yes, I remember Lord. I just didn't look at it from that ... perspective.

That's all right. So what are you going to do?

Thank you, Lord.


Thank you, Lord.

Good times AND bad?

Thank you, Lord.

Happy AND sad??

Thank you, Lord.

You're catching on, my child.

Cool! I mean, Thank you, Lord!

© 2008 Scotty Ward

Monday, June 23, 2008

Missed Opportunity

I missed another opportunity to witness. I was so "caught up in the moment", I neglected to give you the glory, Lord.

As I sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-395 one afternoon, a car moved up beside me, and a young couple asked how to get to a certain location we had just passed. I told them they'd have to continue on in this awful traffic, cross the Potomac River, turn around on Maine Street, then come back down and take the exit we had just passed. They seemed a little daunted (it was obvious they were from out of town), so I repeated the instructions, just to make sure. They pulled back behind me, and we again resumed our places in the gridlock. Then I remembered, there was another way to get to their destination, but required numerous twists and turns on roads I wasn't sure were even marked. If they were confused about my first instructions, I knew they'd get lost with this other route.

So I walked back to their car (yes, traffic was THAT slow), told them I had remembered a quicker route, and asked them to follow me. We edged our way to the right lane, pulled off on the exit immediately before the Potomac River, swung right before hitting the George Washington Parkway, and snaked our way through the streets until they were within sight of their destination.

As I slowed to point out their destination so I could turn back onto I-395, their car pulled up next to mine, and the young man leaned over in what appeared at first to be an extremely agitated manner. He stuck his finger out at me in an almost violent fashion, and his next words were a true surprise. "If you EVER get to South Georgia, my name is ----- ------, and I'll do anything for you." He and his wife sincerely thanked me once again, we parted ways, they drove on toward their destination, and I turned back into gridlock (probably no more than 100 yards behind the spot where I had turned to help them).

It seems I had made a positive impression on this young couple. But who got the glory?

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16

I thank God that I am who I am today. He has lovingly (sometimes quite painfully) molded me into the person typing right now, but I'm not sure this young couple were able to draw the same direct line I do, between me and my Father. The young man seemed willing and eager to repay me personally for my kind act, but did he glorify God? Statistically speaking, the chances aren't too good they drove away, praising God for this kind man who helped them in an unfamiliar city during rush hour. I was a kind man, but may not have been recognized as God's kid.

What could I have done differently? I could have truthfully told them that God gets the glory for placing us together so I could be a blessing to them. But "in the moment", I was so concerned about helping them reach their destination and getting back on the freeway, I neglected to give my thanks to you, Lord. And you DO deserve the glory for my life.

Lord, help me to recognize those 'ministry moments' sooner, so I can use every opportunity to tell people about you.

Thank you so very much,
Your Kid.

© 2008 Scotty Ward

Thursday, June 19, 2008

"Mostly Christian" Won't Do

Ezekiel 33:12 (CEV) - Tell them that when good people start sinning, all the good they did in the past cannot save them from being punished. And remind them that when wicked people stop sinning, their past sins will be completely forgiven, and they won't be punished.

Have you ever heard (or made) these kinds of statements? "Sure I'm a Christian. I mean, I go to church, I follow the commandments." But is that truly enough to make it into heaven?

The Lord reminded me of a court trial I participated in a few years ago when I lived in PG County. I was called to jury duty, only to find myself sitting on the jury in a trial for first-degree murder. So this example is from my trial experience, not "TV trial" experience (sorry Perry Mason fans). During the trial, the charges were read, the plea ('innocent') was entered, witnesses and evidence were brought up and examined, etc. At no point in the trial was the defendant allowed to speak about how good he'd been, how many charities he'd donated to, how many Sunday School lessons he'd taught. The trial focused exclusively on the OFFENSE. Only during the sentencing portion of the trial were the character and past performance of the person allowed, presumably to help lighten the sentence, if appropriate. But the sentence remained unchanged based on any of this "peripheral" information. If you did the crime, you did the time.

James 2:10 (CEV) - If you obey every law except one, you are still guilty of breaking them all.

Matt 5:48 (NLT) - But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.

Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that if I tell a lie, or gossip, or something pretty minor like that, God's gonna "throw the book at me"? But what about all the OTHER things I've done for God, like attend church, give in the offering, and I even listened to Christian stations on my radio! Doesn't any of that count?

Luke 13:23-28 (MSG) - A bystander said, "Master, will only a few be saved?"
He said, "Whether few or many is none of your business. Put your mind on your life with God. The way to life—to God!—is vigorous and requires your total attention. A lot of you are going to assume that you'll sit down to God's salvation banquet just because you've been hanging around the neighborhood all your lives. Well, one day you're going to be banging on the door, wanting to get in, but you'll find the door locked and the Master saying, 'Sorry, you're not on my guest list.'
You'll protest, 'But we've known you all our lives!' only to be interrupted with his abrupt, 'Your kind of knowing can hardly be called knowing. You don't know the first thing about me.'
That's when you'll find yourselves out in the cold, strangers to grace. You'll watch Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets march into God's kingdom. You'll watch outsiders stream in from east, west, north, and south and sit down at the table of God's kingdom. And all the time you'll be outside looking in—and wondering what happened.

"So what about 'saved folks'? Isn't someone saved for ever, once they're saved the first time? Is it possible to jeopardize their salvation too?"

For my way of answer, here's an expansion of the first scripture, and a scripture from the book of Revelation:

Ezekiel 33:12-20 (CEV) - Tell them that when good people start sinning, all the good they did in the past cannot save them from being punished. And remind them that when wicked people stop sinning, their past sins will be completely forgiven, and they won't be punished. Suppose I promise good people that they will live, then later they start sinning and believe they will be saved by the good they did in the past. These people will certainly be put to death because of their sins. Their good deeds will be forgotten. Suppose I warn wicked people that they will die because of their sins, and they stop sinning and start doing right. For example, they need to return anything they have taken as security for a loan and anything they have stolen. Then if they stop doing evil and start obeying my Law, they will live. Their past sins will be forgiven, and they will live because they have done right. Ezekiel, your people accuse me of being unfair. But they are the ones who are unfair. If good people start doing evil, they will be put to death, because they have sinned. And if wicked people stop sinning and start doing right, they will save themselves from punishment. But the Israelites still think I am unfair. So warn them that they will be punished for what they have done.

Rev 22:11-12 (AMP) - He who is unrighteous (unjust, wicked), let him be unrighteous still; and he who is filthy (vile, impure), let him be filthy still; and he who is righteous (just, upright, in right standing with God), let him do right still; and he who is holy, let him be holy still.Behold, I am coming soon, and I shall bring My wages and rewards with Me, to repay and render to each one just what his own actions and his own work merit.

So the scriptures tell us that to make it to heaven, we need to GET right, and then STAY right by LIVING right. We must BE right when Jesus returns, and NO ONE knows when that will occur. And the tough thing is we can't - through our own efforts - live a life without sin. But I thank God for Jesus, who died so man (you and me) can have a way back to right fellowship with the Father. He paid a debt he didn't owe, because we owed a debt we couldn't repay. And after he left to be with the Father, Jesus provided us the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, who accompanies us through all life's struggles and guides us at every step. Prayer, fasting, studying God's word, and paying attention to the Holy Spirit, is the only way I know to ENSURE I'm gonna be on God's "Guest List".

Please remember, according to what the scriptures say, "Mostly Good" or "Mostly Christian" won't be enough. This is an all-day every-day thing.

I pray your strength in the Lord!

© 2008 Scotty Ward

Monday, June 16, 2008

Coincidence? Yeah right..

Some people will probably try to categorize much of my life - decades of seemingly random occurrences which have crafted me into the person I am - as being mere coincidence.

I don't. God did it.

Seriously, even the top two "hits" from a word lookup at (see below) won't state conclusively that the events in a coincidence are totally random. Read them for yourself:

Random House Unabridged Dictionary, "...a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance."

American Heritage Dictionary, "A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged."

Let me tell you two of the most significant "occurrences" I can recall, the latest of which happened yesterday.

First Case to Consider: Tithing, utilities, a door combo and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

I didn't use to tithe, but in 2003 when I was seeking the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, I finally began to realize I was holding myself back, and began to faithfully pay my tithes. Less than a week later, while I was "tarrying", Pastor Hunt gave me the combination to the door of the church, so I could come and go at whatever times I wished, to facilitate my tarrying. Within ONE DAY of that, my landlord handed me a bill for my portion of the utilities. The four numbers of the church combo and the four numbers constituting the amount of my utilities were IDENTICAL. Less than one week later, after having tarried one Wednesday evening for over two straight hours, God blessed me with the Baptism in his precious Holy Spirit.

Scotty's Assertion: Once I surrendered the grip I had kept on my finances and began tithing, God's messages in my life became very apparent, and God was finally able to "break through" my human intellect, to gift me with his Holy Spirit.

Second Case to Consider: Our Home, a Song, and a Truck.

We've placed a small plaque above the front door of our house. Here's a picture:

It's there as a reminder that God is always present in every situation, to offer peace, solace, guidance, and love.

Our mass choir sings a Hezekiah Walker song, "Faithful", and the song begins "Faithful, faithful, faithful is our God". They hadn't sung that song in a number of weeks, but they sang it on Sunday.

In recent weeks, the membership of our church - including my wife - have been beset with illness, crises, and even death. Far more than at any other time in my memory. In fact, my wife was hospitalized on Sunday, and is still in the hospital as I write this blog (Tuesday morning). Yesterday as I drove to the hospital to visit my wife and other saints who were in the hospital, I was wondering how I would find the strength to persevere through this latest test. Then up popped "Faithful" on the radio, at the exact same time a semi with the words "WARD Trucking" on the side passed our car. (That's my name, for those who may not know me).

Scotty's assertion: God is offering a quick reminder that he has not gone on vacation. He sees us, he knows the issues we're facing, and he wants us to remember he's faithful.

Psalm 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.

Deut 31:6 - Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.

And lastly, consider Deut 33:27a (CEV) - The eternal God is our hiding place; he carries us in his arms.

Do we truly believe God's word? IS God able to direct, comfort, and guide us through everyday events? Well, speaking just for myself, I'm certain of it.

May God bless and keep you.

© 2008 Scotty Ward

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Lord, Heat Me Up!

Lord, I've discovered a couple lessons since you saved me and baptized me in your precious Holy Ghost.

1. I've never done anything to deserve it, but you did it anyway
2. You want me to tell others about what you've done for me
3. I need to tell them soon

How do I know #3 is true? Because along with the joy you've given me, you've also instilled an urgency about everything I do for you, Lord. I feel as if I'll pop if I don't share about your Love. Jeremiah described a similar state:

Jeremiah 20:9 (NIV) - But if I say, "I will not mention him or speak any more in his name," his word is in my heart like a fire, a fire shut up in my bones. I am weary of holding it in; indeed, I cannot.

There's no denying it: I'm who I am, only because of God's intervention in my messed-up life. And if he did this wondrous thing for me (who never EVER deserved it), then he'll do the same for others (who may never deserve it either) too! I owe it to those around me to tell the truth, to give my testimony of how God saved me, so maybe he'll do the same for them! I'm hot for you, Lord!

Luke 24:32 (KJV) - And they said one to another, Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and while he opened to us the scriptures?

But isn't it ok to just worship God quietly on Sunday mornings, tucked into the back corner of some quiet, boring church, quietly keeping to myself, singing the hymns, putting money in the plate, and just "playing it cool"? But consider the others sitting near you in that quiet little church, who may be DYING in their sin and don't even know it. Does God order your steps? If so, he may have placed you next to that other soul so you can plant, water, or - if the Lord says so - witness the reaping!

But it's not a halfway deal. I (and you) must be either COLD, or HOT. Anything in-between is less than useful for God. Here's what God said to the CHURCH in the last book of the Bible:

Revelation 3:15-16 (MSG) - I know you inside and out, and find little to my liking. You're not cold, you're not hot—far better to be either cold or hot! You're stale. You're stagnant. You make me want to vomit.

So if you're cold spiritually, that's good! It's even better - according to the book of Revelation - than being in the middle, being lukewarm. If you're lukewarm, the enemy may be trying to convince you you don't need God right now, that you're doing pretty well for yourself, and you'll just pray, fast, or attend worship some other day. Because today, you probably don't think you're doing too badly.

Solomon had a word for you, Sir or Ma'am:

Proverbs 21:2 (NIV, underline mine) - All a man's ways seem right to him, but the LORD weighs the heart.

Ask the Lord to either get you stone cold, so you'll get to where he can reach down and truly save you, or to heat you up to where you'll set aside your shyness and pettiness and personal issues you may have with Pastor Such-and-Such or Sister So-and-So, and will SHARE WITH OTHER PEOPLE ABOUT JESUS IN YOUR LIFE.

Repeat after me: "Make me HOT today, Lord Jesus!"

God bless you!

© 2008 Scotty Ward

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

WHERE should I give?

I had a curious conversation about money with a fellow Christian that I wanted to share.

This young man approached me at work a few years ago. We're both professed believers in Jesus Christ as our Lord, but this was the first time he had approached me to ask my counsel on spiritual matters.

He asked for my advice on where he should give. He said he already paid his tithe to his local church, and wanted to sow seed into another Christian ministry. Praise God for a willing giver!

Then he told me about how he had heard that some ministries overseas were bringing dozens, and hundreds of non-believers to Christ. He had in the past given to an evangelistic ministry here in the U.S., but stopped when some un-Christian practices were reportedly discovered. He asked me, wouldn't it be better to sow seed into a "productive" ministry (in this case one in a faraway country), where his money would get the best "return on his investment"? These were his words, not mine.

I said I didn't have a specific ministry to recommend. I told him that according to the Bible, we're merely asked to give (see below). After we've given, I told him, we've done our part, and should trust God for what happens with what we've given.

Luke 6:38 (CEV) - If you give to others, you will be given a full amount in return. It will be packed down, shaken together, and spilling over into your lap. The way you treat others is the way you will be treated.

I think this young man was expecting my response to be more earth-shattering or profound or something. My quoting scriptures seemed too simple for his liking. As he left, he said he was going to ask another Christian friend for recommendations of a ministry where he'd get a "good return".

Well, first off, I praise God for ALL givers. According to Barna Research, total giving nationwide is up this year, but tithing to the local church seems to be at an all-time low. But the question remains: is one ministry "better" or "worse" simply by some observed positive effect on those in attendance?

Sorry. I'm not gonna get all deep or profound here either. I trust God and I trust God's Word. Jesus said to give. He never mentioned "return on your investment". So I'm going to just GIVE. I start with my tithes, then move to my offerings, giving in support of our Missions Department, Pastors Aide, and as many other ministries as I'm able. Once I've given, I leave all the rest to the maker of heaven and earth. He's big enough to handle it.

Am I getting a "good return"? WITHOUT A DOUBT. God blesses me and my family every single day, in ways I couldn't have imagined a few years ago. My blessings are temporal (finances, etc.), as well as spiritual. Can I add up my blessings on a calculator? Nope. But let me tell you, I just LOVE God's math!

So just give. Yes, it's that simple. Let God have your gifts, and prepare to receive your blessing!

© 2010 Scotty Ward

Saturday, June 7, 2008

I flat-out LIED

Recently, I was supposed to go to Friday evening service at our church. Friday is nicknamed "Joy night", and is also our night for Pastoral Teaching. Usually I love Fridays, because I can come and unload all the burdens and weights of the week, and spend some time in praise and singing to God.

In addition, all titled members (which is pretty much every adult) are asked to check in with the Chief of Staff if they're not going to make a service.

But this particular Friday, I didn't feel like going. So I checked in. I said I was going to be busy reviewing papers for a meeting the next morning, which was true, but only partially. I knew this essential task wouldn't take me all evening to complete. In the end, I found the paper review took less than an hour. After that, I fiddled around the (empty) house for awhile, and was in bed asleep by 9:30. Joy Night typically ends about 10:00 or so.

Let me tally my sins:
1. Disobedience
2. Self-centeredness
3. Lying about it

So it's no wonder, I found myself at 4:30am the next morning, kneeling by myself in the darkened church, asking God's forgiveness for my actions.

1 John 1:9 (KJV) - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

That's it? That's it. Forgiven? Forgiven. Wow! Thank you, Lord!

But I'm also struck with the awareness that if Jesus had returned last night while I slept in my sinful state, I would have not made it to heaven.

Revelation 21:23-27 (NLT, underlines mine) - And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light. The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the world will enter the city in all their glory. Its gates will never be closed at the end of day because there is no night there. And all the nations will bring their glory and honor into the city. Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty—but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.

Thank you Lord, for givig me another chance!

I carry the memory that I sinned, the awareness that I'm capable of sinning again, and thankfully, that IF I confess my sin to God, he'll forgive me. But this little episode was one more reminder that I can't even trust myself. I'm too prone to do what *I* want to do (like skip church and sleep), not what God wants me to do. And returning over and over again to confess my sin is a trip I don't want to keep making. It weighs me down, so I can't run the race (see Hebrews 12:1).

Lord, keep me in your will today. Renew my mind. Transform me. I don't want to play around with your blessing. I'm far too valuable to you, and you're far too valuable to me for that.

Thank you, Lord. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you.

© 2008 Scotty Ward