Ephesians 5:20 (AMP) - At all times and for everything giving thanks in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God the Father.
Now wait just a doggone minute.
According to this, I'm to give thanks to God for EVERYTHING.
But I'm sure God didn't know how tough things could be. He certainly didn't have all my pains in mind when he directed his apostle to write that, did he? Give thanks? How about just getting by!
I mean, I'm supposed to give thanks for those overdue bills? Yep.
Thanks for the unsaved members of my family, who will end up spending eternity in hell unless the Lord intervene? You bet.
Thanks for those negative behavior patterns I fall into, day after excruciating day? Absolutely.
Yeah, but what about the manager that openly seeks to have me replaced? Without a doubt.
All the broken things around the house I can't afford to replace? Uh huh.
The way my wife barely drags herself home each night, and is so tired she falls asleep in her dinner? Yes.
I don't understand, Lord. Give thanks for the pain? For the failures? For the disappointments? For the times I know I'm headed AWAY from you, rather than TOWARD you?
But that just doesn't make sense!
Exactly. Give thanks.
But what about...
Give thanks.
Lord, are you SURE this is what you want me to do? Shouldn't I be 'earnestly contending' or something?
You'll discover you can contend much better, AFTER you give me your thanks.
Give me your thanks.
On my good days AND my bad?
Yup. You're catching it now, my son.
When I'm happy AND when I'm sad?
Yes, yes, yes.
Even the in-between times, when nothing catastrophic is happening?
ESPECIALLY the in-between times. You already thank me for the good times, the blessings, and the times you see me. But if you give thanks at other times as well, your thanks is part of your praise, and you KNOW I'll be there when you praise.
Wait. Hold on. You mean to tell me that THANKS is PRAISE?
Yes, just as surely as I AM.
Wow. Gotta be honest with you, Lord. I hadn't thought of it that way. My focus has always been on the problems, the issues, the obstacles standing between me and you.
Yes, I know. But when you thank me, the divisions between us disappear. The situation may still be visible, but your praise prepares my throne right where you are. Remember? You preached that to my saints.
Yes, I remember Lord. I just didn't look at it from that ... perspective.
That's all right. So what are you going to do?
Thank you, Lord.
Thank you, Lord.
Good times AND bad?
Thank you, Lord.
Happy AND sad??
Thank you, Lord.
You're catching on, my child.
Cool! I mean, Thank you, Lord!
© 2008 Scotty Ward