I don't. God did it.
Seriously, even the top two "hits" from a word lookup at Dictionary.com (see below) won't state conclusively that the events in a coincidence are totally random. Read them for yourself:
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, "...a striking occurrence of two or more events at one time apparently by mere chance."
American Heritage Dictionary, "A sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged."
Let me tell you two of the most significant "occurrences" I can recall, the latest of which happened yesterday.
First Case to Consider: Tithing, utilities, a door combo and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.
I didn't use to tithe, but in 2003 when I was seeking the Baptism in the Holy Spirit, I finally began to realize I was holding myself back, and began to faithfully pay my tithes. Less than a week later, while I was "tarrying", Pastor Hunt gave me the combination to the door of the church, so I could come and go at whatever times I wished, to facilitate my tarrying. Within ONE DAY of that, my landlord handed me a bill for my portion of the utilities. The four numbers of the church combo and the four numbers constituting the amount of my utilities were IDENTICAL. Less than one week later, after having tarried one Wednesday evening for over two straight hours, God blessed me with the Baptism in his precious Holy Spirit.
Scotty's Assertion: Once I surrendered the grip I had kept on my finances and began tithing, God's messages in my life became very apparent, and God was finally able to "break through" my human intellect, to gift me with his Holy Spirit.
Second Case to Consider: Our Home, a Song, and a Truck.
We've placed a small plaque above the front door of our house. Here's a picture:

It's there as a reminder that God is always present in every situation, to offer peace, solace, guidance, and love.
Our mass choir sings a Hezekiah Walker song, "Faithful", and the song begins "Faithful, faithful, faithful is our God". They hadn't sung that song in a number of weeks, but they sang it on Sunday.
In recent weeks, the membership of our church - including my wife - have been beset with illness, crises, and even death. Far more than at any other time in my memory. In fact, my wife was hospitalized on Sunday, and is still in the hospital as I write this blog (Tuesday morning). Yesterday as I drove to the hospital to visit my wife and other saints who were in the hospital, I was wondering how I would find the strength to persevere through this latest test. Then up popped "Faithful" on the radio, at the exact same time a semi with the words "WARD Trucking" on the side passed our car. (That's my name, for those who may not know me).
Scotty's assertion: God is offering a quick reminder that he has not gone on vacation. He sees us, he knows the issues we're facing, and he wants us to remember he's faithful.
Psalm 119:105 - Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
Deut 31:6 - Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
And lastly, consider Deut 33:27a (CEV) - The eternal God is our hiding place; he carries us in his arms.
Do we truly believe God's word? IS God able to direct, comfort, and guide us through everyday events? Well, speaking just for myself, I'm certain of it.
May God bless and keep you.
© 2008 Scotty Ward
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