Monday, June 23, 2008

Missed Opportunity

I missed another opportunity to witness. I was so "caught up in the moment", I neglected to give you the glory, Lord.

As I sat in bumper-to-bumper traffic on I-395 one afternoon, a car moved up beside me, and a young couple asked how to get to a certain location we had just passed. I told them they'd have to continue on in this awful traffic, cross the Potomac River, turn around on Maine Street, then come back down and take the exit we had just passed. They seemed a little daunted (it was obvious they were from out of town), so I repeated the instructions, just to make sure. They pulled back behind me, and we again resumed our places in the gridlock. Then I remembered, there was another way to get to their destination, but required numerous twists and turns on roads I wasn't sure were even marked. If they were confused about my first instructions, I knew they'd get lost with this other route.

So I walked back to their car (yes, traffic was THAT slow), told them I had remembered a quicker route, and asked them to follow me. We edged our way to the right lane, pulled off on the exit immediately before the Potomac River, swung right before hitting the George Washington Parkway, and snaked our way through the streets until they were within sight of their destination.

As I slowed to point out their destination so I could turn back onto I-395, their car pulled up next to mine, and the young man leaned over in what appeared at first to be an extremely agitated manner. He stuck his finger out at me in an almost violent fashion, and his next words were a true surprise. "If you EVER get to South Georgia, my name is ----- ------, and I'll do anything for you." He and his wife sincerely thanked me once again, we parted ways, they drove on toward their destination, and I turned back into gridlock (probably no more than 100 yards behind the spot where I had turned to help them).

It seems I had made a positive impression on this young couple. But who got the glory?

Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. ~Matthew 5:16

I thank God that I am who I am today. He has lovingly (sometimes quite painfully) molded me into the person typing right now, but I'm not sure this young couple were able to draw the same direct line I do, between me and my Father. The young man seemed willing and eager to repay me personally for my kind act, but did he glorify God? Statistically speaking, the chances aren't too good they drove away, praising God for this kind man who helped them in an unfamiliar city during rush hour. I was a kind man, but may not have been recognized as God's kid.

What could I have done differently? I could have truthfully told them that God gets the glory for placing us together so I could be a blessing to them. But "in the moment", I was so concerned about helping them reach their destination and getting back on the freeway, I neglected to give my thanks to you, Lord. And you DO deserve the glory for my life.

Lord, help me to recognize those 'ministry moments' sooner, so I can use every opportunity to tell people about you.

Thank you so very much,
Your Kid.

© 2008 Scotty Ward

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