~ name withheld

Are we truly living the believer's life, as "letters" that anyone can read? If someone were to observe us at the library, in traffic, or at the fast-food counter, would they they see a hand-signed testament from Jesus Christ, or do they see just another person (even atheists can act nice)?
Does our BELIEF show in our ACTION?
Philippians 2:15 (New Living Translation) - Live clean, innocent lives as children of God, shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people.
The two stories at the top of this blog are a reminder that - throughout my life - I need to be living that difference, shining as a light, and not just showing my Christianity when I know I'll get a positive response.
"You gotta live this thing."
~ Elder Cleon L. McCoy, Jr (a.k.a. "Papa")
Amen to that, Papa.
Lord, I love you, and I want everyone around me to see your love reflected through my life. Help me to stay focused on you, so that each step of my life (in AND out of church) reflects your redeeming love.
© 2010 Scotty Ward
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