Weenie Beanie is the food joint next to a little park here in Arlington, where the day laborers hang out. Just as occurred in Bible days (Story here), a group of unemployed workers stand around waiting for someone to pull up and say "I need two to pour concrete " or "I need three carpenters", etc. A quick discussion occurs at the side of the truck to verify the terms of their day's employment, the laborers pile on, and awaaaay they go to earn a living for another day.
There are always men standing around the Weenie Beanie (Definition: there are always more laborers than there are jobs), but as I drove past one day, I was struck by one particular gentleman standing in that otherwise unremarkable group. He was wearing an old long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans just like all the rest, but I tell you I've NEVER seen a pair of old jeans or an old shirt look as good as they did on that man. Everything on this man had been thoroughly washed and ironed, and practically shone, next to the dozens of other laborers around him. The man had worked very hard to prepare himself, so when a truck would drive by, the prospective employer would notice this man and (hopefully) choose him from among the dozens of prospects. When I drove past at about Noon, this man hadn't yet snagged himself employment for the day, but there was no doubt in my mind he was prepared for the very next truck, or the one after that, or the one after that.
This message comes to encourage those of us who may feel we're just "going through the motions" in our Christian walk. We may attend services, pray and study God's word, but we just don't feel the breakthrough others around us are reporting, and every gospel artist seems to be singing. But consider the wisdom of the man at Weenie Beanie: in order to be called, you must GO and be prepared to be called. From a spiritual standpoint, you know enough of the Bible to know where to go, and what is expected of you. Sometimes, it may feel you're just standing around (v6-7), going nowhere in a hurry, accomplishing nothing for the kingdom. But that's OK. You're in place, waiting for the landowner to come by, and He may be just around the corner. If you get discouraged and take yourself a nap, or go home to watch the tube (spiritually speaking), you could miss out.
Hold on. Do not give up, despite how boring your situation looks, or how sluggish you feel. Like the day laborers of Bible times and here at Weenie Beanie, you've got to be ready at all times.
Luke 12:37-38 (New Living Translation) - The servants who are ready and waiting for his return will be rewarded. I tell you the truth, he himself will seat them, put on an apron, and serve them as they sit and eat! He may come in the middle of the night or just before dawn. But whenever he comes, he will reward the servants who are ready.
So shine up those spiritual shoes, put on your Sunday best, and get yourself over to where you need to be, and be prepared.
Wait! Is that a truck motor I hear?
© 2008 Scotty Ward
Weenie Beanie is the food joint next to a little park here in Arlington, where the day laborers hang out. Just as occurred in Bible days (Story here), a group of unemployed workers stand around waiting for someone to pull up and say "I need two to pour concrete " or "I need three carpenters", etc. A quick discussion occurs at the side of the truck to verify the terms of their day's employment, the laborers pile on, and awaaaay they go to earn a living for another day.
There are always men standing around the Weenie Beanie (Definition: there are always more laborers than there are jobs), but as I drove past one day, I was struck by one particular gentleman standing in that otherwise unremarkable group. He was wearing an old long-sleeved shirt and a pair of jeans just like all the rest, but I tell you I've NEVER seen a pair of old jeans or an old shirt look as good as they did on that man. Everything on this man had been thoroughly washed and ironed, and practically shone, next to the dozens of other laborers around him. The man had worked very hard to prepare himself, so when a truck would drive by, the prospective employer would notice this man and (hopefully) choose him from among the dozens of prospects. When I drove past at about Noon, this man hadn't yet snagged himself employment for the day, but there was no doubt in my mind he was prepared for the very next truck, or the one after that, or the one after that.
This message comes to encourage those of us who may feel we're just "going through the motions" in our Christian walk. We may attend services, pray and study God's word, but we just don't feel the breakthrough others around us are reporting, and every gospel artist seems to be singing. But consider the wisdom of the man at Weenie Beanie: in order to be called, you must GO and be prepared to be called. From a spiritual standpoint, you know enough of the Bible to know where to go, and what is expected of you. Sometimes, it may feel you're just standing around (v6-7), going nowhere in a hurry, accomplishing nothing for the kingdom. But that's OK. You're in place, waiting for the landowner to come by, and He may be just around the corner. If you get discouraged and take yourself a nap, or go home to watch the tube (spiritually speaking), you could miss out.
Hold on. Do not give up, despite how boring your situation looks, or how sluggish you feel. Like the day laborers of Bible times and here at Weenie Beanie, you've got to be ready at all times.
Luke 12:37-38 (New Living Translation) - The servants who are ready and waiting for his return will be rewarded. I tell you the truth, he himself will seat them, put on an apron, and serve them as they sit and eat! He may come in the middle of the night or just before dawn. But whenever he comes, he will reward the servants who are ready.
So shine up those spiritual shoes, put on your Sunday best, and get yourself over to where you need to be, and be prepared.
Wait! Is that a truck motor I hear?
© 2008 Scotty Ward
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